How To Shifter Cable Ends
How To Install Stronger Shifter Cable Ends
This is a brief how to for installing stronger shifter cable ends. Once you've complete all the following steps and have both the new cable ends installed on you shifter cables, install them in your car to make sure everything fits and works like it should. When you know everything is installed correctly and working properly disassemble everything and reassemble with alittle locktite to insure they don't come loose.
Note that some of the shifter cables and the pin on the shifter that the rod end goes on are slightly larger than normal. This shouldn't be a problem when threading the cable as long as you use some type of oil or WD-40. But for the pin on the shifter you can either force the rod end on the pin with a vise or c-clamp, or just sand the pins down until the rod ends slide on.